Are There Any New X Men Comics Continue Storyline

It occurred to me that (at the time you're reading this article) many of us are quarantined or social distancing with the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Plus, the "rumor" is that comic printing may be shutdown for almost two months. So that begs the question, what do we do if we can't get our weekly fix? Well, if that's the case and we are all sequestered into our homes, why not read some trades? Better yet, why not give Comixology/ Kindle a go?

Either way, Dispatch has come to the rescue with a list, given by the fine folks at COMIC BOOK READING ORDER of every X-MEN centric event in order. So, maybe it's time to sit back, relax, and buy some trades while you're stuck at home? Maybe there are some you missed? Who knows? But I do know that this is as good a time as any while you're channeling your inner Social Distance Warrior (SDW) to pick up a new graphic novel and READ! Hit me up and let me know which ones are your favorite. Enjoy!

The Phoenix AND Dark Phoenix Saga


Quick Synopsis:

Gathered together by Professor Charles Xavier to protect a world that fears and hates them, the X-Men had fought many battles, been on adventures that spanned galaxies, grappled enemies of limitless might, but none of this could prepare them for the most shocking struggle they would ever face. One of their own members, Jean Grey, has gained power beyond all comprehension, and that power has corrupted her absolutely! Now they must decide if the life of the woman they cherish is worth the existence of the entire universe!

Days of Future Past


Quick Synopsis:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Relive the legendary first journey into the dystopian future of 2013 – where Sentinels stalk the Earth, and the X-Men are humanity's only hope…until they die! Also featuring the first appearance of Alpha Flight, the return of the Wendigo, the history of the X-Men from Cyclops himself…and a demon for Christmas!?

Mutant Massacre


Quick Synopsis:

The Marauders attack the underground mutant community and kill hundreds of Morlocks before the X-Men and X-Factor teams arrive separately and fight them,  avoiding the total slaughter of the Morlocks.  The two teams, however, do not meet during the battle and suffer crippling losses.

Fall of the Mutants


Quick Synopsis:

The general public's perception of mutants are as dangerous criminals with no regard for the law.  A proposal for a "Mutant Registration Act",  in which mutants would be forced to register themselves with the government,  as one would register a deadly weapon,  is made.



Quick Synopsis:

Demons from Limbo invade earth. Their plan revolves around Illyana Rasputin of the New Mutants, as her mutant power allows her to open passages between Limbo and Earth.

Days of Future Present


Quick Synopsis:

The Fantastic Four,  X-Factor,  the New Mutants,  and the remnants of a then-disbanded X-Men unite against a common foe from a dystopian alternate future.

X-Tinction Agenda


Quick Synopsis:

Genoshan Magistrates attack the X-Mansion and kidnap Storm and the New Mutants.  It will take the combined might of the X-Men,  New Mutants,  and X-Factor to try and save them.

Muir Island Saga


Quick Synopsis:

After warnings from Forge and Banshee,  the X-Men and Professor X investigate Muir Island,  whose inhabitants have been taken over by the Shadow King.

X-Cutioner's Song


Quick Synopsis:

An assassination attempt on Professor Charles Xavier seems to the work of  Cable,  the former leader of X-Force. X-Factor begins hunting down X-Force. Meanwhile, Jean Grey and Cyclops are attached by the Horsemen of Apocalypse.

Fatal Attractions


Quick Synopsis:

When Magneto and his Acolytes return,  a new confrontation with the X-Men begins,  with Professor Xavier tempted to cross a moral line to stop them.



Quick Synopsis:

A civil war erupts between the human and mutant populations of Genosha,  incited by Magneto's former protogé Fabian Cortez.

Child's Play


Quick Synopsis:

The Upstarts continue their series of games to prove their power and worth to one another.  This time,  they devise "the Younghunt",  a mission to capture all of the surviving members of the New Mutants and the Hellions.  This competition also brings the Upstarts into conflict with the New Warriors.

Phalanx Covenant


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men are attacked by the Phalanx,  mutant-hating humans who have used the techno-organic virus to turn into techno-organic beings themselves.  With these powers,  the Phalanx are able to change their shape and assimilate organic matter.  Like the Phalanx, they are a hive mind,  programmed to destroy all mutants.

Age of Apocalypse


Quick Synopsis:

Legion, a psychotic mutant and son of Professor Charles Xavier, travels back in time with the intention of killing Magneto. However, Legion travels to a time when Magneto and Xavier were still friends. As Xavier dies trying to protect Magneto, Legion vanishes, and a new timeline is created.

Onslaught Saga


Quick Synopsis:

Following his mind-wipe of Magneto,  Xavier's mind has become infested by the dark part of Magneto's psyche.  Onslaught,  a psychic entity of near-limitless power,  is born from this merger.  Onslaught plans to use the raw psionic energy of Franklin Richards to transform the human race into a collective consciousness.

Operation: Zero Tolerance


Quick Synopsis:

After the events of Onslaught Saga several individuals within the United States government attempt to use their positions to hunt down all mutants across the country.

The Hunt for Xavier


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men attempt to find the location of Professor Xavier,  who has been missing ever since the authorities arrested him in the wake of the Onslaught disaster.

Magneto War


Quick Synopsis:

Magneto has returned and announced to the UN that he's created another electromagnetic pulse and that it will not stop until Magneto's given a mutant sanctuary on Earth.

Apocalypse: The Twelve


Quick Synopsis:

Apocalypse emerges once more,  along with a mysterious prophecy of 12 powerful mutants capable of destroying him.

Maximum Security


Quick Synopsis:

A multitude of alien civilizations that have previously interacted with Earth join forces to prevent humans from interfering further with galactic affairs.  To accomplish this,  they designate Earth as a penal colony.

Eve of Destruction


Quick Synopsis:

A cure for the Legacy Virus has been released,  providing Magneto with a brand new army of healthy mutants ready to wage a final battle against humanity.

House of M


Quick Synopsis:

Scarlet Witch uses her powers to create a world in which mutants are in charge. The world is a racist society, with mutants controlling governments, businesses, and culture; and humans are looked down on as inferior.



Quick Synopsis:

No more mutants. Scarlet Witch has stripped nearly all of the mutant population of their powers, thereby reducing a society of millions to one of the scant hundreds.

X-Men: Endangered Species


Quick Synopsis:

On M-Day the mutant population was reduced to a fraction of what it once was.  Beast decides to try to find a way to reverse the effects of M-Day,  in the hopes of preventing the extinction of mutantkind.

X-Men: Messiah Complex


Quick Synopsis:

The first child with the X-gene since M-Day has been born,  sparking a race between the X-Men,  the Marauders,  the Acolytes,  the Reavers,  the Purifiers,  and Predator X to see who will find the child first.

X-Men: Divided We Stand


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men are disbanded.  A new X-Force team is formed to carry out covert assassinations.  Wolverine tracks Mystique to make her pay for her actions in Messiah Complex,  while Cable tries to protect the mutant baby from Bishop.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men set up a new headquarters in San Francisco, moving from Xavier's school in Westchester, and send a telepathic invite to every mutant on Earth.

X-Men: Original Sin


Quick Synopsis:

When Wolverine joined the X-Men Xavier knew he was sent to kill him but let Wolverine join anyway,  wiping his mind clean in the process and making him his own personal weapon.  Now Logan asks Xavier to repeat what he did all those years ago.  Only this time his target will be Wolverine's son,  Daken.

Messiah War


Quick Synopsis:

Cyclops forcibly sends X-Force into the timestream in pursuit of Cable and Hope.  X-Force arrives in the year 2973,  with 32.5 hours to complete their mission before their time-travel devices accelerate their biology and kill them.

X-Men: Nation X


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men are settling into their new home on the freshly resurfaced Asteroid M, officially renamed Utopia. They are rebuilding homes, cultivating a farm, keeping their island afloat, rationing food, gathering the Atlanteans, and defending against enemies both old and new ones.



Quick Synopsis:

Selene,  the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club,  has gained access to the Techno-organic virus,  which she uses to resurrect a variety of deceased mutants to set her plans into motion of becoming a goddess.

X-Men: Second Coming


Quick Synopsis:

Cable and Hope return from the future to the present.  Their arrival sparks off action from Bastion and his allies.  Bastion tells them that the Mutant Messiah has returned and gives them orders to kill her.

Curse of the Mutants


Quick Synopsis:

Vampires from around the globe descend on San Francisco to claim the city as their own,  causing the X-Men and Blade to team up to stop them.

Wolverine Goes to Hell


Quick Synopsis:

"The Red Right Hand" is a group of people who have been wronged by Wolverine and have sworn revenge on him.  They trap him in a mystical circle to send him straight to Hell.  While he is in Hell,  a group of demons possess Wolverine's body and attack his allies.

Age of X


Quick Synopsis:

Reality has changed,  Earth-616 was replaced by a world where the X-Men never came to be,  mutantkind has been hunted to extinction,  and the few remaining mutants band together to make their last stand.

X-Men: Schism


Quick Synopsis:

After Cyclops delivers a speech to the United Nations asking for all Sentinel programs around the world to be decommissioned,  the UN Building is attacked.  As a result of the attack, several countries begin to mobilize their Sentinels.

X-Men: Regenesis


Quick Synopsis:

After the events of Schism, the X-Men have been split in two, with Cyclops and Wolverine each leading their own faction of heroes.

Avengers vs. X-Men


Quick Synopsis:

The return of the Phoenix Force,  the cosmic entity of death and rebirth,  as it looks for its new host,  believed to be the teenage mutant Hope Summers.  Cyclops and the other X-Men want to protect her and prepare her as if she's to be the mutant savior,  while Captain America and the Avengers want her handed over to them so they can figure out what to do with her and keep the world safe from a potentially deadly fate.



Quick Synopsis:

Billions of years ago,  the Celestials created an unimaginable horror and,  in realizing their error,  locked it away in the space between realities.  However,  with all the constant traveling between realities by the worlds' heroes and villains,  the barriers between realities have become weak.

Battle of the Atom


Quick Synopsis:

The X-Men of the future travel to the present in order to force the original five X-Men back to their own time,  but things get complicated when another group of future X-Men arrives.

The Trial of Jean Grey


Quick Synopsis:

The Guardians of the Galaxy and the All-New X-Men must team up to save Jean Grey after the capture and trial of her by the Shi'ar empire for her supposed crimes as the Phoenix.

Death of Wolverine


Quick Synopsis:

Without the aid of his healing factor,  Wolverine fights a losing battle to the death as he looks back on his life.

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS


Quick Synopsis:

From the ashes of the once proud mutant haven Genosha,  Red Skull manages to harness the abilities of the world's most powerful telepath Professor Charles Xavier and the being Onslaught,  to enslave thousands,  amass an army and broadcasts his message of hate across the world.  The fractured teams of Avengers and X-Men are now all that stands in the Red Skull's way.

Black Vortex


Quick Synopsis:

A dangerously powerful artifact known as the Black Vortex is somewhere in the spaceways of the Marvel Universe,  and people from all corners of the universe are looking for it;  heroes,  villains,  aliens,  and even some people in between.

Secret Wars (2015)

Quick Synopsis:

As Doctor Doom, Doctor Strange,  and Molecule Man confront the Beyonders in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the end of the Multiverse,  the final Incursion of Earth-1610 and Earth-616 begins.  Heroes from each universe confront one another.  The world fades to white as the two Earths collide.  Doctor Doom's mask appears out of the white void before the white turns to black.

Apocalypse Wars


Quick Synopsis:

As the mutant race's last hope is jettisoned into the time stream,  it's intercepted by one of their most formidable adversaries: Apocalypse.

There is something wrong with Archangel.  Aim him at his target and he will destroy.  Beyond that,  he is little more than a lifeless drone.

The young X-Men strive to shirk the legacies left to them by their older counterparts.  Their uncertain future hangs heaviest on young Evan – also known as Kid Apocalypse.  Is he destined to become a genocidal madman like his namesake?

Inhumans vs. X-Men


Quick Synopsis:

The Terrigen Mist that is loose on Earth is reaching its saturation point.  While people across the planet have manifested powers and learned of their Inhuman heritage,  it's also resulting in many mutants getting sick and dying.  The X-Men are determined to stop the Terrigen Mist in order to avoid extinction while the Inhumans need the Terrigen to ensure the population of their species thrives.

Age of X-Man


Quick Synopsis:

The age of X-Man dawns… and the X-Men cannot stop it.

House of X/ Powers of X

This is curent event that's still unfolding with the events of Dawn of X.


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